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Inventive Guild Affiliate/Sales Reps Terms & Conditions

If you need help or have any questions please email: [email protected]

Please read our rules. By joining our affiliate/rep program, you agree to the following:

Affiliate/Rep Approval:

All applications are approved within 24-48 hours unless we have previously revoked your account for violation of our terms. You will not be paid commissions unless your required payment method and tax information are completed in your affiliate/rep back office account.


We have a 2-tier commission plan. We pay commissions on all your personal sales (1st tier), and override commissions (2nd tier) on the sales of the affiliates/reps you refer.


Commissions vary based on the specific offer, and your sales volume. Commissions on your sales can increase based on the offer, your level of engagement and your sales volume.


Commissions are paid once a month via PayPal Mass Pay or Bank Wire by the 15th of the following month sales were made unless otherwise noted. Alternative commission payment options may be available if PayPal or Bank Wire are NOT options.

Participants in the OPTIONAL Paid VA Managed Lead Generation Program will be paid weekly AFTER their first five sales. Commissions will be paid weekly, on our around the Friday of the 3rd week AFTER the sale has been paid.

Unqualified Sales:

You will not be paid on your personal purchases. Do not buy from your own referral link. Do not sign up for a 2nd affiliate/rep account under your account. Refunded sales will not earn commissions. If we receive a chargeback or have to refund after you have been paid the commissions, we will add a clawback to your account and retain those amounts against your current or future commissions.

Promotional Tools:

You are free to use any promotional materials we make available for you. You may not swipe and repurpose our website content that isn't specifically designated as promotional material.

Acceptable Practices:

Please always adhere to FTC guidelines when promoting our products and services. Some promotional methods are strictly prohibited. You must not use the following promotional methods. Doing so may result in your termination from our affiliate/rep program and forfeit of any outstanding commissions.

1.    Sending spam or using safe lists of any kind.

2.    Offering cash rebates to people who buy through your referral link.

3.    Using negative words such as 'scam' in promotional campaigns, posting a negative review, or social media post.

4.    Misrepresenting our offer(s) or not following applicable endorsement rules and regulations.

5.    Using cookie stuffing.

6.    Using fraudulent credit cards.

7.    Your SEO reviews sites MUST contain an actual review.

Fraud/Termination/Loss of Commissions:

We reserve the right to withhold commissions for fraud or anything we deem to be suspicious or illegal. Anyone trying to "game the system" will be banned and all commissions voided. This will also lead to a permanent termination of your Inventive Guild account.

In Closing…

If you think you "might" be crossing the line, please contact us and ask first. We would really appreciate that. Otherwise, if you are reported to us by our clients, other affiliates/reps, or our fraud detection and we determine you are violating our terms, we will terminate your account, links, and commissions owed to you. In addition, we will put your name, email, and IP on a permanent BAN list in our system. Unethical affiliates/reps are not welcome. Honest affiliates/reps... We love and appreciate you.


We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve success, by helping others come up with original, life-changing ideas by being creative, inventive and innovative on demand.

If you need help or have any questions please email: [email protected]